Monday, April 6, 2009


-Ong. Chapters 4,5,6 
-Article on Finnegans Wake

1) Nietzsche says, 'We are all walking DICTIONARIES.'
2)Lull: motion/rotational, no images, non corporeal, ladder, tree
3) What shape does literature use to tell stories? The Triangle and the Box. Literate/Oral
-   mis-en-abyme : into the abyss 
4) Reformation would not have been possible without the rise of the printing press. 
5) Significance of the mandela in reference to Finnegans Wake. (Squaring of the Circle) 
6) The Alphabet makes it possible for us to read, and learning to read democratizes the alphabet. 
7) ONG pg. 142:  'Song is the remembrance of songs sung.'  Gesang ist dazeine: Song is existence
8) ONG pg. 130: 'Print is comfortable with finality.'  finality & closure
9) YATES pg. 224: 'Such a memory...... of a divine men'     ...talking about bruno
10) Alithiometer: truth measure. Truth means not forgetting. Knowledge is remembering what you have forgotten. 
11) Camillo built the seven pillars from salomon's house of wisdom. 
12) What is the epithet that concludes the Illiad? 'tamer of horses'
13) The alphabet was invented 1 time. ONG 88
14) 1 in 3. What are the chances anything will happen?
15) Tai and Robert used their bodies for their memory systems. 
16) What do the 7 steps in Camillo's memory palace represent? 7 pillars represent 7 planets. 
17) FW: 'before writing there was speech and before speech there were gestures.'
18) YATES 188: Lull & Kabala.  Jewish mystical system based on the mystical properties of the Hebrew alphabet. 
19) Both Cyberspace and James Joyce's FW use hypertext. layered language. 
20) The ancient hebrew alphabet does not have vowels. LTRTR - literature
21) YATES 203: Bruno rushes out of the convent. 
22) What monk was burned at the stake? Bruno
23) ONG 126: What is the effect that Tristram Shandy uses to portray silence? Blank Space. 
24)George Herbert's poem "Easter Wings"  visual effect. hourglass shape. 
25) The most notoriously unread book is Finnegan's Wake. 

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